

Sanremo Coffee Machines at Diemme

Sanremo Opera in the hands of Pierpaolo Meneguolo, Diemme trainer

There’s no better way than a chat with Pierpaolo Meneguolo to understand how Opera, one of our most popular machines, is regarded in an increasingly competitive environment.
The point of view of Pierpaolo Meneguolo, Educational Manager at Diemme. 

Being the meeting point between what baristas need and Sanremo’s expertise, OPERA is the sum of two worlds. As a trainer, being constantly in touch with baristas of varying expertise, can you appreciate this double nature?

“As far as the machine goes, its potential is huge. Baristas and trainers can appreciate the massive work behind Opera, but end users are captivated more by the unexpected look than the know-how that was put in it. 
If on the one side there are trainers and professionals who compete globally and understand the rationale behind every single feature of Sanremo Opera, on the other there are people who are simply captivated by its look. It’s twice as strong. 
It’s a machine that should find its rightful place in every bar, even though now its sister Café Racer is deservedly stealing the show after being named Official Machine at WLAC and WCIGS until 2020. 
Both machines have an iconic style; both catch the eye of people (professionals or otherwise), nevertheless one needs to know them well to make the most of their potential.”

Seeing your website and from some old interviews, it is quite clear that for you the “COFFEE FIRST” concept is fundamental. This concept also applies to the way Sanremo machines are created; indeed, it was our relationship with coffee roasters from all over the world that allowed us to design new functions or structural changes (CDS, multi-boiler system, extraction phase adjustment…). How do you use Opera differently depending on different coffee types and origins?

“Sanremo Opera is very easy to handle. There are dedicated groups for different coffee types and professional baristas can create different profiles. Indeed, every group allows to manage six different profiles. 
In the cup the result is simply phenomenal; it received great feedback from those who use it. It is also quite a treat in terms of ergonomics.” 

Being a versatile machine with a wide range of uses, how do you value its response depending on the degree of skill and competence of the operator?

“Beginners are usually thrown off but all it takes are a few hints and they get on track. It’s just about knowing the right angle. 
At first it can seem a bit hard to use, but only for beginners. And in any case after a little practice there is really nothing one cannot learn to do. The skills deployed to create Sanremo Opera make this machine the embodiment of style and function.”

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