

Sanremo Apparel: one community, one style

The true Sanremo style is here, with a collection of t-shirts for the coffee lover, specifically designed by emerging artists.

Our new official t-shirt, launched in 2021, was designed by two young designers, Stefano Baldin and Marika Bortolin, winners of a creative contest. 

The brand’s iconic ibex, brilliantly revamped by the designers, is the protagonist of the new t-shirt. Baldin and Bortolin were unexpectedly surprised to find out there’s much more to the coffee machine segment: “I was amazed by the eye-catching design of coffee machines, which I had always regarded as objects on a par with microwave ovens …’’, “I had no idea how much craftsmanship, style and design are involved”. 

This was not the first time we asked emerging artists to restyle our look. On the occasion of the official launch of the CUBE single-group coffee machine, designer we entrusted Caterina Cracigna with the mission to design a t-shirt to go with each machine. The cheerful style of the ‘My coffee time’ t-shirt underlines one of the most important features of the CUBE coffee machine: versatility. As Cracigna explains: ‘’My experience with Sanremo Coffee Machines can be defined as ‘accessible excellence’ because the company is open to engaging with young artists and adapting to emerging trends and styles’’.

Although not strictly related to the coffee world, this experience is in fact fully in line with our values.

Surprises are not over for 2022: the new Apparel line will be launched in the course of the year, featuring a selection of products specifically designed for baristas but not only, and special kits for customizing the CUBE and YOU coffee machines launched at Host 2021.

Style and passion go hand in hand, stepping outside coffee shops and reaching coffee lovers worldwide. The Sanremo Apparel collection will soon be available for purchase through our platforms.

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